Just me, a wife to a wonderful husband, child of Christ, working mom to one active little boy, rambling about everyday life...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!

B has quite the imagination these days. Lately he has been talking about his friend Marsha and Jess (which only exist in his mind). Hubs took him to the park a few nights back and taped him while he was talking about Marsha. If I was technically savvy I would post it, but I am not, so you will have to use YOUR imagination.

B: Marsha is coming in TWO hours.

Hubs: Why isn't she coming now?

B: She had to go to the dr.

Hubs: Why?

B: She has something wrong with her booty.

Apparently Marsha has something wrong with her booty. Who would have thought? The funny thing is, we don't know a Marsha, so I am not sure where he got this from. Marsha goes to B's city (oh you didn't know? he has his own city, tall building, helicopter, plane and car). Marsha eats cupcakes, she rides in the airplane. Marsha is a busy girl. So far she seems to be a good friend for B, but I am afraid that she is a bad influence on nap times, as those have been few and far between. Momma might have to have a sit down with Marsha.